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Scottxxx 2 DVD (NC)

Studio: Citebeur
€ 17,50
Op voorraad
SKU 13965D
It's time for another edition of Scott Sniff Socks, with more of his hung and horny buddies and even more of the ripe and tantalizing aroma of their sweaty, nostril-curdling, jock socks. Here cums non-stop all male, ball-draining, ass plundering action with Scott's eye-watering male smells that are offensive to some, but orgasmically worshipped and treasured by others. And these guys ARE 'the others'! He's brought together these strikingly beautiful studs who really get off on the semen spurting sensation of sucking on sensuous feet, tender toes, and their fumy footware. If you liked Scott XXX, you'll LOVE volume 2, a decent into the decadent world that explores the new and surprisingly delicious delight of not just throbbingly hard, jizz-squirting cocks, but also the luscious ecstasy of foot and sock worship!
This DVD will be delivered without plastic case. You will receive the disc and the inlay artwork.
Scott Sniff Socks
3 dec. 2018
120 Minuten